Plaza casino vegas

Plaza casino vegas


Plaza Vegas

Stepping foot into a casino for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. There can be loads of cheering, shouting and screaming, as people can be seen yelling at a tiny little ball to land on their lucky number, and people sitting very quietly, wearing sunglasses indoors while looking at two cards. This is a normal day for a casino and you shouldn’t be worried as soon enough you’ll be doing the same, and Plaza Vegas is here to give you a helping hand in understanding the different games to play.

First up is the popular game of roulette. Played with a giant wheel and a tiny ball, the object of the game is to guess the number that he ball will land in, and reap the rewards of a large pay out. A game of pure chance, there is no way of being able to predict a winning number, and that is what makes this game so exciting and nerve-wracking as you leave your money in the hands of tiny white ball spinning around in a circle, having no idea where it will land. A game for suckers and casuals, there is a very good chance you’ll walk away with less than you started. The best tip is that as soon as you get that potentially one big win is to walk away immediately, because the chances of it happening again are slim. Sin City lovers go straight for this game, and can see heartbreak in a matter of seconds.

Next is blackjack, the game you play at home as ‘21’. The same rules apply to that, get as close to 21 without going bust, and then hoping the dealer has a lower hand than you. People think that they can copy Dustin Hoffman off of Rainman and count the cards, giving them the ability of predicting the sequences of cards and taking advantage. However Plaza Vegas can tell you those days are over as casinos are finding way of counter-acting this by adding more decks to the game and increased shuffling of each deck. If you don’t take it seriously it is great fun and totally unpredictable, if you do take it seriously, there is, albeit a very slim one, of making a confirmed profit, but it’s unlikely and takes the fun out of the game.

Finally is Poker. Players try and make the best hand possible out of three or five cards and bet large quantities of money against each other in order to win the hand. A game of bluffing and nerve, it is played by very skilled players and takes years of practice. Unless you’ve done it before, stand back and watch first, as the other players will eat you and your money alive before you know it.

Hopefully Plaza Vegas has given you a good insight at some of the more popular casino games available to you, and given you a little bit of confidence to step up to the table and start playing, all we can do is wish you good luck and enjoy your time at the casino.
